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  • NHS COVID-19 App - Protect the Ones You Love - Download the App

    Wed 23 Sep 2020

    NHS Test and Trace App – Protect your loved ones – download the app:


    From Thursday this week, the NHS COVID-19 app is released as a part of the ongoing COVID-19 response. The app is able to be downloaded by anyone (aged 16 or older).


    The app has 6 key features :

    • Trace – alerts you if you are in close contact with a confirmed case  
    • Alert – provides you with the risk level within your local area or areas you enter
    • Check In – allows you to ‘check in’ using the QR reader within the app on posters displayed in public spaces, shops, bars etc
    • Symptoms – allows you to check symptoms against Government guidance
    • Test – allows you to order a free test and seek advice and
    • Isolate – provides you with an isolation companion which counts down how many days you have to isolate and links to useful advice.


    If you want further information on the app, how to download or what it does, please click/tap here

  • Test and Trace Posters

    Tue 22 Sep 2020

    You may know that the Prime Minister is to make an announcement later today about the next stage of lock down for England.


    At the same time, the NHS have released QR Code Posters that you will start to see around shops, banks and public spaces such as churches, leisure centres etc. We will be expected to use the app (available on your app store for your device) to register that we have been to that place. This should make tracing the virus spread easier and help fast track those of us who need testing.


    We have put up our posters this morning so that we can start getting people used to having to use them.


    If you have any difficulties downloading the app -NHS COVID-19 App then let us know and we will do our best to help.


    Have a great day!


  • Public Health COVID-19 Updates

    Fri 18 Sep 2020

    Wow, what a busy week it has been for everyone! Schools across the country have been trying their very best to deal with an ever changing world with regards to COVID-19, guidance from the Government, Public Health England whilst keeping up with the education and attainment of our children. It has been complicated...but our school has tried it's best to keep everything as normal as possible.

    Following a briefing with Public Health England yesterday, we thought we would update you with some reminders and possibly new information that you might not have had before :



    As you know, we have a well established policy to try and contain any outbreaks of illness e.g. stomach upsets, vomiting etc. These have not changed because of COVID-19. If your child has been sick, an upset tummy etc - then they must be kept from school for 48 hours AFTER their last episode. Due to the cleaning regime in the school, the classrooms and all areas will be deep cleaned.

    If your child has a cold - i.e. runny nose, sore throat etc - this is unlikely to be COVID-19, as a runny nose and sore throat is not a recognised symptom. You should keep them at home until they feel well enough to deal with a school day. We will monitor them to ensure that they are following the Catch it, Bin it, Kill it system.

    Symptoms of norovirus, common colds etc are very different from COVID-19.


    Public Health England reiterated the symptoms and need for self isolation in the update.  


    1. a temperature over 37.8c for 48 hours or more. This is more than just feeling warm, flushed or a bit sweaty. It has been compared to being placed in a scalding hot bath and if you are at that temperature, you wouldn't feel well enough to do very much.
    2. A new and continuous cough - if you have had a cold, you can carry a cough for up to 12 weeks after you've stopped feeling unwell. A COVID-19 cough would start without the symptoms of a runny nose, sore throat etc.
    3. A loss of taste or smell - this would be very distinctive and doesn't fit with other illnesses such as norovirus.


    Close Contact:

    This has caused some issues in schools, fortunately not here. However, if you are contacted because you may have been in contact with a person who has tested positive for COVID-19, it is important to check that you can say if you:

    • have had face to face contact with someone (less than 1 metre away) for 1 minute or less
    • spent more than 15 minutes within 2 metres of someone
    • travelled in a car or other small vehicle with someone (even on a short journey) or close to them on a plane

    Those that have been in close contact will be required to self isolate for 14 days. Public Health England now state that you SHOULDN'T access a test if you are a close contact as the test will be inaccurate, e.g. you could be incubating the virus - you just need to self isolate for 14 days.

    If you display symptoms, then you should then seek a test.

    We have been told that testing centres will be re-opening shortly within SE London but you can request a home testing kit by going on line. This is far quicker than attempting the published numbers as you will be on hold for a VERY long time.

    If you are unsure, please contact us and we will do our best to support. 

    As a school, we have been given a very small supply of tests to use in emergencies - e.g. if someone suddenly displays symptoms but these are limited and schools have been given strict guidance on how we are to use them.

    Class Closures

    If we have 2 positive cases of COVID-19 within the building, Public Health England and the local boards will instruct the school on the next steps. This could be to close the class, instigate test and trace etc. We have to follow their guidance.

    If we had to send home groups of pupils, then online learning would immediately start and their education would continue. We have to also provide a risk assessment for them - but this will be drawn up with advice from Public Health England and the school team.

    As you know, we have our schools cleaned throughout the day. Staff and pupils are following hygiene protocols well and staff are following the 1.5m/2m distance rule with each other. We have previously issued guidance on face coverings and that still stands. If pupils / staff wish to wear them in corridors or on the playground, that is fine. We are following the guidance with regards to them in class - where, due to the distancing we do not have to wear them at present.

    We are doing our very best to ensure that we can keep everything as normal as possible, but that does require all of us - parents, pupils and staff, working together to protect each other.

    Have a good weekend and keep safe!

    Meic and the Imperium Team
  • Updates to Lockdown from Monday

    Wed 09 Sep 2020

    Good morning everyone, hope this finds you well.

    It has been brilliant welcoming back all your young men to the building and they have settled in really well.

    You may have seen on the news last night that from Monday, there will be changes to the current lockdown.

    The Prime Minister is to discuss the changes in depth later today but in short, from Monday:

    • Social gatherings of more than 6 people in England will not be allowed in law
    • The new rule applies to private homes, indoors and outdoors, bars, cafes etc
    • The rule does not apply to schools, workplaces,weddings, funerals or organised team sports
    • People who ignore the police and do not comply will be find £100 which will be doubled with each offence reaching a maximum of £3,200

    Whilst we have all begun to enjoy more freedom, this is an important step that we all have to follow in order to prevent a return of the stricter lockdown processes that we have already seen.

    We will maintain our hygiene protocols and follow our Risk Assessment - which is revised every Friday to ensure that whilst your children and the staff are in school, we are maintaining as safe an environment as possible.

    It is important to remember that if you or your family are demonstrating any symptoms that you do not send your super hero to school, but book a test and then confirm with school if you are positive or not. By doing this, we are able to keep the school open.

    If you need any further information or want to discuss, then please do not hesitate to get in touch.

    Have a great day!

    Meic and the King's Oak Team

  • Welcome back!

    Tue 01 Sep 2020

    Dear all - welcome back!

    Hope you have all had a great Summer break and are ready for the new term ahead. Also, thank you for downloading the Parent Mail App which will enhance how we already communicate with you.

    Just a reminder : Waterside - all children return to school on Friday at their normal times. King's Oak - Year 7 will return on Friday and Years 8,9,10,11 on Monday (8.30 - 2.30 for Year 7 and 8 ; 9.30 - 3.30 for Years 9,10,11).

    Just so you are up to speed:

    Face Coverings :


    You will have seen in the news and received information from your unions regarding the updates outlined by the Government this week. We have read the guidance and taken advice from all the unions, the Borough and the WHO (World Health Organisation). We will go over this next week during our training but as a Federation but the basic points are:


    • Pupils & Staff in King’s Oak MUST wear a face covering on both school and public transport
    • Pupils & Staff in King’s Oak CAN wear a face covering when transitioning around the school. This will become MANDATORY if we become an area of national government intervention – i.e. local lockdown
    • Pupils & Staff in King’s Oak WILL NOT wear a face covering in class as long as we maintain our ventilation and protocols as before the Summer break


    • Pupils CAN & Staff in Waterside MUST wear a face covering on both school and public transport
    • Pupils & Staff in Waterside CAN wear a face covering when transitioning around the school. This will become MANADATORY if we become an area of national government intervention – i.e. local lockdown
    • Pupils & Staff in Waterside WILL NOT wear a face covering in class as long as we maintain our ventilation and protocols as before the Summer break


    Although the guidance does not suggest that primary pupils need to wear a face covering, we know that some parents will be hesitant about returning their super hero without the acknowledgement that they can wear one if they wish. From discussion with the Leader of the Council (his letter is on the website and on our Twitter feed) he has endorsed this for every school.


    The guidance is due to change (as we are now used to) very quickly and it may become MANDATORY that face coverings are worn by everyone.

    During lesson times, face coverings will have to be placed in a labelled  ‘freezer bag’ to remove cross contamination. We will also have to ensure we are monitoring hand washing/sanitizing – as wearing a face covering does increase touching your face (both pupils and staff).

    If we receive any further information - we will let you know ASAP.

    See you on Friday!



Read all tweets

