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BTEC Sport

BTEC Level 1/Level 2 Tech Award in Sport


Why is taking part in physical activity important? And if so, how important is it really? We will often place a higher importance on academic subjects such as English and Maths, but I feel strongly as a teacher that developing and growing students holistically helps build a more rounded future for them. Having the right balance of subjects  helps to develop them academically, emotionally, socially and physically. Students need to take time to destress from their screens and focus on developing their body and mind. There are a vast array of ways that students can explore physical activity and sports which means it can be accessible for all. 


Physical activity helps to develop a student's focus and concentration by developing new levels of energy that can impact on their life and academic studies. Through taking part in physical activity and exploring the effect of food and exercise on the body students have a greater knowledge of how they can improve their health and reduce the chance of obesity and health related problems. This can help to improve life choices. Physical activity can also help to improve the level and quality of sleep. This can in turn improve attention and concentration levels. Students are under an immense amount of pressure to conform to society and achieve high grades that will secure their future at colleges and universities. Physical activity is a great way to escape from this pressure and help to reduce stress. Through the academic and life stress, anxiety and depression can display in many forms. Physical activity can help reduce this and support the development of their mental health. 


Taking part in sports can also help students to develop their skills working with a team and qualities of becoming a great leader. Students learn how to bond and get on with others. This can help to generate a community feel and a sense of belonging. Through taking part in physical activity and learning about the body students can have a greater understanding of the social pressures placed on them to look a certain way. This will help students to develop a positive body image. Physical activity can help to instill self discipline in all aspects of their life and help them better control their emotions and be more motivated with their studies. Through physical activity students develop a sense of confidence in themselves that can positively affect all areas of their life for example in personal relationships, integrating into groups and making friends.


From learning about how the body works and taking part in physical activity students develop this physical self by developing their motor skills and strengthening their cardiovascular system and muscular strength. The development of fine motor skills can support students in areas such as handwriting or playing musical instruments.


At King’s Oak School students have the opportunity to choose BTEC Sport as an option in KS4. BTEC Sport is a vocational course that teaches students the knowledge required to pursue a career in sport. Students will also develop the skills for a range of sport-related pathways from sports coaching to gym management. It can lead to Students choosing to study sport at college Post-16.


The BTEC Sport is broken down into 3 Components:

  • Component 1 
    • Preparing Participants to Take Part in Sport and Physical Activity (Coursework)
  • Component 2
    • Taking Part and Improving Other Participants Sporting Performance (Coursework)
  • Component 3 
    • Developing Fitness to Improve Other Participants Performance in Sport and Physical Activity (Exam)


Level 1 and 2 BTEC Tech Awards are equivalent to GCSE grades 9 to 1, according to exam board Pearson.


Level 2 BTEC Firsts are roughly the same as GCSE Grades 9 to 5.


Component 1 

Learners will explore the different types and provision of sport and physical activity available for different types of participants, barriers to participation and ways to overcome these barriers to increase participation in sport and physical activity. They will also research equipment and technological advances in a chosen sport or physical activity and how to prepare our bodies for participation in sport and physical activity.


In this component students will:

  1. Explore types and provision of sport and physical activity for different types of participant
  2. Examine equipment and technology required for participants to use when taking part in sport and physical activity
  3. Be able to prepare participants to take part in sport and physical activity.


For this component students will complete coursework in response to a set assignment brief.


Component 2

Learners will investigate the components of fitness and their effect on performance, take part in practical sport, explore the role of officials in sport and learn to apply methods and sporting drills to improve other participants’ sporting performance.


In this component students will:

  1. Understand how different components of fitness are used in different physical activities
  2. Be able to participate in sport and understand the roles and responsibilities of officials
  3. Demonstrate ways to improve participants sporting techniques.


For this component students will complete coursework in response to a set assignment brief.

Component 3 

Learners will be introduced to and develop an understanding of the importance of fitness and the different types of fitness for performance in sport and physical activity. They will also develop an understanding of the body and fitness testing.


In this component students will:

AO1. Demonstrate knowledge of facts, components of fitness, fitness tests, training methods/processes/principles in relation to improving fitness in sport and exercise

AO2. Demonstrate an understanding of facts, components of fitness, fitness tests, training methods/processes/principles in relation to improving fitness in sport and exercise

AO3. Apply an understanding of facts, components of fitness, fitness tests, training methods/processes/principles in relation to improving fitness in sport and exercise

AO4. Make connections with concepts, facts, components of fitness, fitness tests, training methods/processes/principles in relation to improving fitness in sport and exercise


For this component students will complete an exam. 




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