KS4 English
English offers students the opportunity to form and develop their own response to the world through consideration of universal ideas and themes about human experience. It offers students a journey of discovery through some of the greatest stories written and told and will teach students about the history and influences that inform those stories. A host of characters await the student of literature; the greatest heroes and villains created by British writers recognised across the world as masters of their craft.
English students will learn to develop their response to literature and will practice the skills to articulate their thoughts and ideas verbally and in writing. They will become equipped to write for a range of purposes and will be able to carry these skills into other areas of their work and their personal lives when they leave school. The ability to articulate, communicate and to be heard, along with the ability to listen and engage critically with the information they encounter will be of great advantage to them throughout their lives.
Students will work towards achieving two GCSE qualifications, AQA GCSE Language and AQA GCSE Literature. For Literature students will study Shakespeare (Macbeth, Julius Caesar), Charles Dickens (A Christmas Carol), Power and Conflict poetry and a modern novel or play (Lord of the Flies or An Inspector Calls). For Language students will study a range of fiction and non-fiction extracts from both modern texts and 19th century writing.