
Welcome to

King’s Oak School

Bring us your past and leave with your future.

Key Stage 4 Curriculum

Mr. Spark - Key Stage 4 Welcome



A very warm welcome to Key Stage 4


In Key Stage 4, pupils are encouraged to take more responsibility for their own learning and take pride in all they do. We help our learners to develop the skills for independent learning, reflection and self-assessment as they prepare for the move into studying GCSE’s and next steps into Higher education.


Learners are given the chance to lead and manage their own learning, they work in groups, give presentations and use their initiative in completing independent projects to enhance their academic, personal and social skills.


With a hybrid approach to teaching and learning, modern technology supports our teachers in promoting high standards of achievement through creativity, inquiry, collaboration and communication. Technology is used in all areas of the curriculum and each learner has their own electronic device.


Year 10 - 11 is the first time that our Learners can expect to experience the rigours of external examinations and it is important that we prepare them for the pressures that lie ahead. We have a very experienced team of tutors who mentor and guide those in their care through the unique challenges that the GCSE years present. The tutors see the pupils every day and spend much of this time working with them not only on examination preparation but also on mental health aspects so we know that we have given our learners the appropriate tools to ensure that they are robust, resilient and able to approach tasks, however difficult they may seem, head on and with the confidence to know that they are well equipped enough to find a solution.


Head of Key Stage 4 

Jim Spark


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  • There are no events for the next 10 weeks.
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