Mental Health Resources
At King’s Oak we recognise the importance of everyone’s mental health. Our Senior Mental Health Leads are Jill Smith, Head of School and Meic Griffiths, Executive Head Teacher. As part of their role they strategically plan and implement targeted wellbeing and mental health support.
If you would like further advice or guidance please contact
Jill or Meic
Trauma Informed Practice - TIP/TIS
The federation takes mental health and how it presents very seriously. We have worked on developing a bespoke programme for our pupils, staff and community in developing and supporting healthy mental health.
Oak Lodge is our centre for Trauma Informed work where we have 4 trained practitioners who work with pupils and staff in order to help safely co-explore issues that may be contributing to their mental health presentation. These sessions are not a one size fits all, but a bespoke approach to support.
Our team works in conjunction with our colleagues from other outside agencies such as Educational Psychology, School Nursing and CAMHS. We have also ensured that our team across the federation has been trained in recognising various presentations and receive training in supporting via a number of interventions.
One such federation wide intervention is This is U.S. (Unfazed Support). As a team we have placed this on our school development plan for 2023/4, where staff have key targets in working with pupils that they may not usually work with, talk to or support. This work enables and empowers those trusted relationships our children so desperately need so that they can explore their anxieties and work through their barriers.
The federation has a number of Senior Mental Health practitioners and we are adding to this cohort on an annual basis.