
Welcome to

King’s Oak School

Bring us your past and leave with your future.

A Huge Thank You

Dear Parent,

Gosh who would have thought we would get to the end of this term...but we have and we have done so safely. That is in no small part to both you and your family working closely with us - ensuring that we keep everyone safe and educated. I cannot underestimate how much that means to everyone, as in some schools the picture has been very different. You have continued to prove what an amazing support you are and for that, on behalf of the team and myself, thank you.


I know that some of you have had to make some real difficult decisions over the past few days - about whether or not to send your son to school. Whatever you've decided, I hope you have felt supported in your decision and know that we believe that you are doing what you think is best for you and your family. 


You will see a lot on the news and social media over the coming days about whether or not the Government should alter the 'Christmas break' on the 23rd to the 27th. Regardless of what they eventually decide, I am certain you will do what is right for your family.


From tomorrow (17th) until the 23rd of December, we are available to help if you or your family develop COVID-19 symptoms. It is important that if you or a member of your family develop symptoms in the first 48 hours after school closes tomorrow, that you contact us immediately using so that we can inform other families and staff that they may need to self-isolate.


Just in case you missed it - the self-isolation period has now been reduced from 14 days to 10 days.


You will also have seen on the news and social media that schools are going to be able to test everyone using the 'rapid' COVID-19 test. We had already signed up to this and hope that our tests arrive at the beginning of January. Following the Governments direction, we will begin weekly testing at King's Oak (as it's being rolled out to secondary schools first) then Waterside from February. As soon as we have more details, I will send them out to you and I am more than happy to answer any questions you may have.


Finally, on behalf of the entire Imperium team across both schools including the Governing Board, I would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and let's keep our fingers crossed for a fantastic New Year...2021 really needs to sparkle to make up for 2020!


Keep safe and well,

Meic and the Imperium Federation team


Calendar Dates

  • There are no events for the next 10 weeks.
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