
Welcome to

King’s Oak School

Bring us your past and leave with your future.

Goodbye and Good Luck

When we started the term back in September 2019 – which seems a lifetime away, I could never have predicted that we would have got to Spring 1 and watch – not only our world but the entire globe, shut down and isolate from one another. 


We however, did not shut down or isolate ourselves from our communities and our children.


Throughout this time, we have stood up and not only provided education to our young men whilst they have either been at home or when they returned to our buildings, we have also been social care, marriage guidance, CAMHs and hopefully a true friend to you and your families.


This is the work that the rest of the world doesn’t see, but takes for granted that is being done. It is hard when people don’t recognise it. Acknowledge it. Thank you for it.


I recognise that due to your openness as families, we have been able to help and support during this difficult time.


I acknowledge the personal sacrifices you have made to ensure that you have kept your super heroes safe when at times that has been really tricky to do so.


I thank you – from the bottom of my heart, for believing and knowing that we will be there - working with you to ensure that you have everything you need.


Now, if there has ever been a time where you deserve your Summer break – this is it. 


Take time for you and your families.
Stay safe.
Enjoy yourselves.


For those of you that are leaving us…what a year to do it in! I am so sad that we haven't been able to do the things we would normally do at the end of a year - but I promise you that today will be a good day!


The one thing we can guarantee, that although you are saying goodbye - we are always here for you.


If you need us - if things wobble at your new school ... call, email ... and we will come and help. Good luck - we are so proud to have welcomed you into our family and for you to welcome us into yours.


Have a brilliant Summer!
Meic and the King's OakTeam x


Calendar Dates

  • There are no events for the next 10 weeks.
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