Prime Ministers Announcement - What does it mean?
Dear Parent ,
You will now know that we are all back in National Lock down which means tighter restrictions on our daily lives until February half term … but not on education for vulnerable and key/critical worker children which covers children in special schools and DSPs.
As of tonight, you can only be outside of your home for:
- Shopping for essentials
- Going to work – you are legally permitted to leave your area to go to work
- Exercise with your household once per day and stay within your local area
- Seek medical assistance or to avoid domestic abuse
- Attend education/childcare for those who are eligible
- Schools, Colleges must remain open for vulnerable children and critical workers
What does this mean for us in the Imperium Federation?
From the Prime Ministers announcement, nothing has altered for London schools from how they worked this morning.
All schools are closed to children of all ages - except those who are
deemed vulnerable or key worker children.
What we do know that this announcement will bring back fears and feelings that you had during the first lock down and will be concerned about doing the right thing for your child.
We will support you in whatever decision you make.
If you want to keep your child at home and access remote learning - we are more than happy to do this whilst still providing the education and support we have become renowned for.
We will ensure that if you are entitled to Free School Meals - these will still continue,as will therapies and counselling and we will continue to interact fully with you until you are confident for your child to return.
If you choose to keep sending your child into school, we will provide face to face education in line with COVID-19 secure guidelines.
Part of our planning will be to reduce the amount of exposure that our staff and families are exposed to whilst continuing to teach.
This will include LFT (Lateral Flow Testing - the rapid test), for children and staff at King's Oak and staff at Waterside. We are not able to offer LFT for children under Year 7 at present.
It may also include changes to staffing on certain days so that staff can prepare on-line learning as well as face to face learning, so your child may not always be taught by their class / form teacher. You will be fully informed of any changes.
As a team and members of the Governing Board, tomorrow we will be discussing transition preparation/ filling the gap work / examinations and ensuring that your children are not disadvantaged - whether they come to school or not.
Tonight has changed our plans once again, but we know we can rely on your support and understanding whilst we try to manage this situation and make it safe for everyone.
If you chose not to send your child into school tomorrow, please let either Jill, Neal or Meic know asap, so we can organise online learning, alter meal provision and cancel transport (where needed).
Thank you once again for your continued support.
Meic and the entire Imperium family