Prime Ministers Update - Tier 4 Regulations
Dear Parent,
I have no doubt you have watched or listened to the Prime Minister's announcement regarding the new restrictions. We were going to keep you in the loop about the proposed Lateral Flow Testing (LFT - the rapid COVID-19 testing that secondary schools are being asked to do in January), but this announcement has trumped that.
The Prime Minister has announced that we must ALL ACT NOW.
- We are entering Tier 4 (London and the South East)from Midnight tonight
- You must stay at home unless you are a critical worker
- Gyms, hair dressers and non - essential shops to close
- Communal worship can continue
- We are not allowed to travel between tiers, if you are in tier 4 (unless exempt due to your jobs i.e. school staff can travel between tiers ; separated parents to manage children or caring for the elderly or ill)
- People in lower tiers (1-3) should not travel into a tier 4 area (unless exempt due to their jobs)
- Social mixing is limited to 1 person in an open space
- No international travel for those living within Tier 4 (unless in an emergency)
- Christmas now means that we cannot mix with others outside of our households or support bubble
The above come into effect from tomorrow morning until December 30th when it will then be reviewed.
We know - this isn't what any of us wanted to hear or have to deal with ... but this is the situation we are in. We know how disappointed you will all be. 2020 has been a year that we will all want to forget as in one way or another, we have all suffered the hardship of what this pandemic has brought.
But ... let's keep positive. There are more vaccines coming online, which means more and more of us will be protected and be able to get on with our lives as we did in 2019, we just need to keep working together, looking out for one another and we WILL get through this.
We hope that our food parcels go someway to take some pressure off you in the short term but if we can be of any help, then please do not hesitate to get in touch via Meic's Email
Keep safe, keep well and if we all follow the rules of Hands Face Space and the new requirements of Tier 4, we should get out of this nightmare soon.
As ever,
Meic and the Imperium Federation family